Good news from Houston

We have some very good news and I apologize for being slow to update the website, but we have spent nearly all of our time on medical things. Lots of hurry up and wait, in doctor’s offices. Especially many, many exhausting hours on the phone getting approval for insurance payments.

Janet now has her custom designed treatment regimen or protocol. This consists of 4 oral medications and two infusions (mild chemo-like stuff injected into her veins).She is not having any important side effects at all. She will probably NOT loose her hair.

With that work done, we are free to fly back to Snohomish Tue, Jan 10. She is arraigning for her oncologist in Seattle to administer the infusions and to watch her carefully to see that there are no problems. There will also be frequent tests to make sure that she is responding favorably to the treatment.

Janet will have weekly phone conferences with her doctor at the Burzynski Clinic. There will be a new PET scan in about 90 days. Significant improvement is expected by then and complete remission is our goal, which the Clinic says is the usual outcome for her type of cancer at their Clinic. But, please keep your prayers, positive thoughts, etc, in high gear. We are certain that they are VERY important.

Because of the weekly infusions, we cannot fly back to the boat at this time, but we hope that the infusions will no longer be needed by the end of the 90 days.

Some of you have worried that because the Nov 8th CA125 was 624, yet the 2nd CA125 taken on Dec 1st was 304, that the 2nd test was in error. Well, the CA125 from Dec 27th and processed here in Houston, finally came back as 376, so if one test was wrong, I’d guess that it was the 624. Some variation from lab to lab is said to be common.

Some of the idiots trying to talk negatively about Dr. Burzynski’s Clinic, use as “proof that he is a fraud”, that treatment there is so expensive.

Well, sweetie pie, cancer drugs are usually obscenely expensive, wherever you get them. That is not Dr. Burzynski’s fault, but the fault of the Pharma monopoly. Go picket them. Not being able to afford these drugs kills many nice folks every year.

In Janet’s case the major expense by far are these FDA approved drugs, not Dr. B.

Janet’s case is not being treated by any specific anti-neoplastons. We strongly hope that that is because they are not indicated for her and NOT because the FDA does not allow it. We know that many patients in the past were not allowed anti-neoplaston treatment due to FDA legal nightmares, and died because of that.

But, one of her drugs, causes the liver to significantly increase the anti-neoplaston output. These particular anti-neoplastons help correct about 100 of the most common cancer causing genetic defects. So, while it is a drug and not anti-neoplastons, it tells the body to create, sort of a broad-spectrum anti-neoplaston response.

So, in summary, we get to go back to the land of clouds and cold and there is no more T shirt weather for a while. Darn! We have really enjoyed days in the high 70’s and gasoline for less than $3.00/gallon.

Dave & Curly

2 thoughts on “Good news from Houston

  1. Great news, Dave and Janet! Thank you so much for posting the update, as you’ve been on our minds a lot. We will picture those infusions as go-juice for Janet jogging on the beach thirty years from now. Have you met any other Dr. B patients? Have a good trip back to twenty-ways-to-say-rain land, and keep up the good work! Here’s to a speedy, positive response to the new regimen! Sending friendship and love, Lindi, Patrick, and the Doggielama

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